Areca Palm

Its easy to see why the areca palm has been a long popular houseplant. It’s among one of the top air cleaning plants. Its feathery fronds add a cheerful tropical ambiance to any room.



A well draining, peat based potting mix is perfect. Amending soil with sand and perlite will is also welcome too.



Outdoors, areca palms grow best in full sun to partial shade. They need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight most days. Indoors, These palms do best in a bright window with plenty of indirect light exposure given best by a south or west facing window.



Areca palms are heavy feeders and require fertilizing from spring to early fall with a liquid fertilizer. Do not fertilize in the winter months as plant is dormant.



Lightly moist but not soggy is ideal. During the winter months, allow the soil to dry out as the palm isn’t actively growing. Increase water during spring, summer, and fall months. Areca palms can be sensitive to fluoridated water, so use distilled water or collected rain water.



Palms can be picky with temperature and humidity levels. For optimum growth be sure to provide your plant with a warm environment with little to no cold, dry drafts.