Flowering Anthurium

An easy care houseplant with waxy “flowers” (that are actually leaves called bracts!)

They are extremely durable, and are low maintenance.

Light: Require 6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight. (Low light will slow growth, dull plant and reduce flowering).

Water: Water thoroughly when the top few inches of soil becomes dry to the touch, (until the water starts draining from the drainage holes.) The more your anthurium gets, the more water it will need, so check the soil for dryness every few days. You will not need to water as often in the winter when the plant is not actively growing. Pro-tip! For more robust, repeated “flowering,” allow your anthurium to rest for six weeks with little water during the winter at approximately 60°F.

Soil: Anthurium do not technically need soil (they are epiphytes, which means in nature they are found growing on other plants, and they get their water from the air). When potted, they require extremely well draining soil. A mixture of tropical soil and orchid bark works well.

Fertilizer: In spring and summer (during active growth), fertilize once a month with a ¼ strength houseplant fertilizer. A fertilizer with a slightly higher phosphorus will encourage more blooms.

Growth: Anthurium are slow growers (approximately 4” per year). Leaf size may continue to increase, but the plant will max out at 30” in height.

Pet friendly? No. These are toxic ☹