Garden Clippings

Growing Peppers

By May 20, 2017 No Comments

Growing Peppers

Garden Clippings for May 20, 2017

Why don’t my homegrown peppers turn out like the imported peppers at the grocery store?

Every spring we plant out a few sweet pepper plants in our back garden.  And every spring we wait till later in the summer and harvest a crop of peppers that is best described as mediocre but tasty.  Fruit is predictably small, misshapen and not plentiful.

Later in summer when I go out to the grocery store I find peppers that are bigger, juicier, and heavier than my homegrown peppers, but with less flavour.

Grocery store peppers are grown in a greenhouse under optimum conditions.  Temperature, light, water and nutrients are controlled with precision.  The result is peppers that are mild tasting, grown quickly, store well, and ship easily. Fruit is plump and juicy adding to their weight, which supports the bottom line when they are sold by the pound or kilo.

Those of us who want peppers that mimic the commercially grown product would do well to heed the following growing tips:

Don’t plant too early.  Peppers like warm soil and if planted early, won’t be off to a strong start.  While many vegetables enjoy cool nights, peppers would rather be planted when the weather is consistently warm.

Prepare the garden bed with manure and compost.  Truth be told, peppers will grow in almost any soil.  But they will perform best when planted in nutrient rich soil that drains well.

Plant peppers at least 18 inches apart.  Peppers enjoy space between each plant so the fruit can be exposed to as much sun as possible.

Provide consistent water.  Spring rains are usually sufficient until June but during the hot summer months of July and August, peppers would enjoy a good dose of water once a week.

Pinch off the early flowers.  This sounds difficult, but trust me, it works.   In May and early June your small pepper plants will produce a few flowers that will eventually form fruit.  By pinching off these early flowers, you are giving strength to the plant so it will produce more robust and abundant fruit a little later in the year.

Put down a layer of mulch over the soil, but wait till summer to do so.  Mulch helps to retain soil moisture and reduces soil temperature fluctuations.  You won’t need much mulch because peppers do not have a large root system.  A heaping double handful at the base of each plant will do the trick.  Use bark chips or shredded pine or cedar.  Avoid using sawdust or freshly chopped trees.

Bring a pruner with you at harvest time.  Unlike tomatoes that are easily pulled off, pepper stems are tough and should be removed with a pruning tool.

Enjoy the bounty.  You will reap the rewards of plentiful fruit, freshly picked, with improved flavour.  Growing your own peppers also allows you to choose from many varieties rather than the limited selection in the produce aisle.