
Also known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue

Sanseveria is famous for being one of THE easiest houseplants to grow, and we think everyone should have at least one! They add a structural element to interior spaces and are often showcased in interior design magazines.

Light: They can live in low light (growth will be slower), or direct sun (as long as you acclimate them slowly into a full sun location).

Water: Only water when all the soil is completely dry (the leaves hold water, so there are no worries as soil becomes drier). When you do water, water well and make sure you get all the soil wet, and then you can leave it for several weeks!

Soil: Snake plants need good drainage, so adding perlite, or pumice, or orchid bark etc is a good idea.

Fertilzer: Fertilize once a month during active growing with ¼ strength houseplant fertilizer. Or once in the spring you can mix a slow release fertilizer (worm castings work well) into the top few inches of soil.

Growth: The tallest varieties will reach a height of 4+ feet tall. Shorter varieties typically reach a maximum of 12-18” tall.

Pet friendly? No, snake plants are toxic and should be kept away from pets and curious children.