
Arguably one of the easiest house plants to grow. These trailing beauties have heart shaped green leaves that are sometimes variegated with yellow, cream, or pale green striations.



Pothos with thrive in well drained potting soil.



Prefers bright indirect light. The variegated varieties may loose there leaf pattern if they don’t receive enough light. Pale looking leaves could mean that the plant receiving too much sun.



Feed every 8 weeks with a balanced water soluble fertilizer except in winter when the plant is dormant.



Pothos like to have their soil dry out in between waterings. When the plant starts to droop, its needs water. Dry, brown edges mean the platn was kept dry for to long. If black spots appear on the leaves it is an indication of being kept wet for to long.



Fast growing, often adding between 12-18″ of length in a month. Pothos can grow up to 40 feet long and 3-6 feet wide.


Pet Friendly?

No, pothos plants are toxic to pets.