
Garden Clippings for Jan 30, 2021

There is a woodlot up the road from our place.  Not big, only about an acre or two, but a lovely woodlot.  The woodlot is dense, and nobody can walk through it because its undergrowth is too thick.

The woodlot is on the outskirts of town.  I suspect there are matresses, car parts, chunks of concrete and pop cans in the woodlot, deposited decades ago, long before we had respect for untouched woodlots.

Anchoring the woodlot are two Burr Oaks, barely visible from the road.  The Oaks are monsters, with a trunk diameter of 36 inches or more and at least 100 feet high.  Their wingspan is about 75 feet, wider than the average subdivision lot.

I have no idea who owns the woodlot, but my guess is developers have knocked on the owners’ door more than once to express interest in buying it with the hopes of a zoning change.  To date that has not happened yet, presumably because the owners have no interest in a windfall.

If the owners of the woodlot were clever, they would clear-cut parcels within the woodlot for future homes.  They would cleverly clear-cut for driveways and septic fields as well.  Perhaps they would keep a few trees at the edges, although that would not be guaranteed.

Clever, but not wise.

Today, property owners have a right to do what they want with their properties. Understandably so.  It is their property, and they can do what they want with it.

If a property owner or developer went to City Hall to apply for rezoning a woodlot, they would be asked to conduct a tree preservation study and/or an environmental impact plan.  If it were a significant woodlot, the City would contact the St Clair Region Conservation Authority for direction.  This process involves time and money but gives assurances that the application receives proper vetting.

At issue is the interpretation of ownership.  We now recognize that trees and the owls, squirrels and moths in them, along with the snakes and bunnies below them, are part of an intricate ecosystem that benefits everyone.  Removal of as few as one or two significant trees impacts the entire community.

During and after the industrial revolution, about 200 years ago, industry would dump their waste in their corner of the river and nobody cared.  We now know better.  These days, we are realizing that we’ve blown it and jurisdictions are planting trees to improve the environment and slow global warming.

A few years ago, the City of Sarnia undertook a comprehensive look at introducing a Tree Preservation By-law, modelled after other communities who have implemented one.  The public was assured that the intention of a Tree Preservation By-law was not to prevent trees from being removed for legitimate reasons but was to be put in place to discourage the removal of trees for illegitimate reasons.

After a series of focus groups and community meetings, City Council decided to listen to its citizens and the idea was kiboshed.  Perhaps someday our municipal leaders will open the discussion again.