Victory Gardens

Garden clippings for April 11, 2020

Turn back the clock to the Industrial Revolution.  Citizens were leaving their rural agrarian lifestyles in search of jobs in manufacturing where goods were produced by machines in mass quantities.  By the late 1900’s and early in the 20th century advances in the steel, auto and electric industries took even more citizens away from farms and brought them to cities.

When World Wars 1 and 2 arrived, the demand for factory built military gear was high and farmers were considered lowlife.  Men were sent to battle and food supply subsequently plummeted.  What little food there was available was sent to soldiers.

Governments of the day addressed the nations, encouraging citizens to once again grow fruits and vegetable on their own small plots of land.  Thus began the Victory Garden.

Today’s crisis is both similar and different.  We are not experiencing food shortages, but unemployment is higher than ever.  Governments are discouraging trips to the grocery store and our homes and backyards have become our sanctuaries, creating renewed enthusiasm for Victory Gardens.

My neighbour, bless her heart, has a Victory Garden that’s larger than most city lots.   As early as March she was joined daily by her extended family to prepare for another year of bounty.  Weeds were pulled, the rototiller was tuned up, brush was burned, tools were sharpened, and manure was applied.  She has learned everything by trial and error, and I suppose she learned much from her own mother.

Homeowners new to vegetable gardening should start by looking for a sunny spot that’s easily accessible with good drainage.  The biggest job is grass removal.  If that job is too onerous, consider covering the existing grass with cardboard and putting topsoil on top of the cardboard.  Don’t skimp on grass removal, because old grass coming through the vegetable garden is a nasty nuisance.

Think about raising the garden and bordering it with lumber or stacking wall units.  Raising the garden adds considerable expense but makes the job of tending to the garden easier on the spine.  Weed control will also be improved.

Soil preparation will be your next hurdle but is gratifying work.  Use compost, peat moss, manure, triple mix or any organic matter to mix with your existing soil.  Build the garden up with topsoil so the grade is slightly higher than the adjacent grass.

The fun job is seed and plant selection.  For garden newbies, I recommend sticking to the basics without venturing into the exotics.  Tomatoes and peppers are most popular, followed by the cabbage family, carrots, onions and leaf crops.  And don’t forget to plant whatever appeals to your appetite.

When the sun goes down or when it’s cold and raining, make a list of what you need.  Get your seeds early because this years seed supply will be limited.  Carrots, radish, beans, peas, leaf crops and squash and cucumbers should be direct seeded, while tomatoes, peppers and cabbage family will be easier to buy and plant as seedlings.

As for tools, your garden shed won’t need to be well stocked.  All you need are a shovel, garden rake, hoe, trowel, garden hose and watering can.  Consider sharing a wheelbarrow with your neighbour.

Apartment dwellers and homeowners with small yards should not be deterred from gardening.  There are plenty of seed and plant varieties available, geared specifically for container gardening.

Have fun with your new garden. Involve the kids and turn each step into a learning and teaching moment.  Read magazines and get advice from the internet.  If you need help, reach out to a gardening expert, your Grandma or anyone as wise and experienced as my neighbour.