Zamioculcus Zamiifolia “ZZ”

A ZZ plant is an extremely hardy plant, even those with no hint of a green thumb should be able to keep happy!

Light: Can grow in low to indirect light, but brighter light will encourage faster and fuller growth.

Water: Only water when the soil is completely dry. This plant prefers to go for long periods without water, and may rot if over-watered. Pro tip! Let dry completely and then water really well (so that all of the soil is saturated), and then forget about it for a month!

Soil: ZZ’s require excellent drainage, so when you repot use an all-purpose or tropical soil, and add in some perlite, or orchid bark, or sandy cactus soil. * Be gentle to the roots when repotting*

Fertilizer: Fertilize once in spring, and once in summer with a ½ strength houseplant fertilizer. Or mix in slow release natural fertilizer such as worm castings ( mix into the top 2 inches of soil).

Growth: ZZ plants are slow growing, but can eventually reach a height of 2-5 feet.

Pet friendly? No, ZZ is toxic, keep away from pets and curious children!