Bromeliads are extremely adaptable, tolerating a variety of home environments. With their bright coloured flowers lasting up to three months or more, bromeliads are a welcome splash of colour in any space.



Most bromeliads thrive in bright, indirect light. In the summer, They can be moved outdoors.



Soil should be acidic and hold moisture yet drain quickly. Orchid mixes, peat moss, sphagnum moss and charcoal all work well, as do soilless potting mixes. Some bromeliads varieties can be grown in a pot or mounted on pieces of wood while others are grown in the air.



Bromeliads in soil should be watered once a week, ensuring adequate drainage. Mounted bromeliads should also be watered once a week on average. Bromeliads that are grown in the air, should be watered daily but drenching the plant. These varieties benefit from being soaked, by immersing the plants in water once a week. Tank bromeliads should have their leave cups full at all times.



Fertilize mixing it at 1/8 to 1/4 the dose recommended on the bottle. Do not fertilize in the winter months when the plants have reached maturity and are starting to flower. Fertilize during the growing season every other week to once a month.



Bromeliads reproduce consistently and rapidly. Most varieties grow between a few inches to a foot or more indoors.


Pet Friendly? Yes.