Coleus Cuttings

Garden Clippings for October 24, 2020

We’ve already had a few light frosts and my annual plants show it.  First to get hit were the Potato vines, all shriveled up a few mornings ago.  Second were the wax begonias which are not at all frost tolerant.

Remarkably, most other annual plants still look just fine.  I have two Hibiscus trees that are as beautiful as they were in mid-summer.  Ditto for the Coleus.  Other annual flowers that can tolerate a light frost are Lantana, Geranium, Verbena and Marigold.

By Halloween annual flowers are usually toast.  But rather than tossing the beautiful flowers in the compost heap, consider bringing them indoors through winter.  Keeping annual flowers indoors through winter can save you a bundle, will improve indoor air quality and brings life to your indoor environment.

Coleus are likely the most gratifying to grow, both indoors and out.  The variety of colour and leaf patterns is endless.  Flowers of Coleus are not showy, but for Coleus, it is all about leaf colour.

It is in the shade garden that Coleus takes centre stage, probably because shade loving Impatiens are no longer available.  Coleus also grows in full sun, making it one of the most versatile annual plants.

The easiest way to start growing Coleus indoors is by taking stem cuttings.  If you have enough space and light, go ahead and bring a mature plant indoors, but my guess is that the plant will soon stretch and become leggy.

Rooting stem cuttings is easy, takes up little space, and is a fun project to undertake, especially for kids.  Use a sharp knife to cut a terminal stem about 6 or 8 inches long.  For best results, there should be no flowers and leaves should be small.

Once you have the stems indoors, make a fresh cut just below a leaf node.  Next, remove the lower leaves so you have at least 3 inches of bare stem, and 3 or 4 remaining young leaves.  Put the stems in a clear glass jar, making sure at least two or three leaf nodes are underwater.  Fill the jar with clean water and set the jars in a light spot, but not in direct sun.

Within 3 weeks, you will begin seeing roots appear, coming out of the leaf nodes.  Add a few more weeks and roots will be growing throughout the jar.  Change the water to keep it clean.

There is no rush, but sooner or later you will want to plant the Coleus in soil.  Use 4 inch diameter pots filled with soilless growing medium.  Give as much light as possible and water when soil is dry.  Prune plants back if they become leggy.  In May, when the danger of frost is back, plant outdoors.

Other annual plants that grow easily by cuttings include Geraniums, Wax Begonias, Salvias, Calibrachoa or Million Bells, Hibiscus, Lantana and Sweet Potato vine.

Selected annual flowers can be brought directly indoors before they succumb to frost, including Dipladenia, Begonia, Geranium, Coleus and Fuchsia.  Dig them up, cut back, repot and place them in a well lit location.  Water faithfully and keep an eye out for pests such as spider mites.