Dry Dry

Garden Clippings for June 19, 2021

The world is parched.  It is not only Southwestern Ontario that is dry, but it is most of Canada, the US mid-west, and south all the way to California.

Those who think that a summer drought will only negatively affect farmers need to think again.  Farmers feed cities, and we can soon expect prices of groceries to rise.  We can already feel the pinch in food imported from California, such as lettuce and strawberries, whose prices have begun to edge upward.

Our dry weather began before Christmas, with the winter that wasn’t.  We saw no significant snowfall, resulting in no build-up of soil moisture.  Spring rains were scant and the forecast for the rest of June does not look much better.

If we do not get rain in the next few weeks, area farmers will begin to say “too little, too late.”

Landscape plants will likely fare well during unusually dry seasons.  Most plants growing in residential properties are well established and can withstand the stress of dry weather.  Roots are deep and there is always more moisture in the ground than at the surface.

Trees and shrubs growing in clay soil will do better than those in sandy soil.   Clay soil is made of fine particles that bond together tightly, causing water to drain slowly, while sand’s larger particles hold water poorly.

Shallow rooted trees such as Maples and Spruce are particularly vulnerable, while trees such as Oaks will likely manage unscathed.  Landscape plants that have been recently planted within the previous 12 months will need supplemental water because their roots are not yet established.

Grass is always the first to show signs of drought.  Fortunately, grass has the ability to go dormant when water is scarce.  Grass roots remain viable and will be triggered into action when rain resumes.

Professional turf growers and scientists will often suggest that a draught is good for grass because it causes roots to grow deep in search of water.  Deep rooted grass is strong and can better withstand insect, disease and other stresses.

Homeowners will do themselves and the environment a favour by watering their trees.  Pay particular attention to trees that have been recently planted.  Do not forget boulevard trees planted by the local Parks Department.

The best way to water trees is to set the hose at the base of the plant and turn the tap on a slow trickle.  Allow water to penetrate the soil for 10 to 15 minutes before moving to the next tree.  Water once a week for sandy soil and once every two weeks for heavy clay soil.

Grass is hardly bothered by drought, but if your straw coloured turf keeps you up at night, turn the sprinkler on for at least an hour.  Put a rain gauge or tin can on the grass and aim for close to an inch of water.  Deep watering once a week is better than light, frequent watering.