Grown for its unique, angular toothed stems. Perfect for those cactus lovers that don’t have the right conditions to keep the typical desert cacti alive.

Potting mix that is well drained, airy, and rich in organic matter. Combine 1 part cactus/succulent soil, 1 part perlite, 1 part peat moss, and 1 part orchid bark mix to create the ideal mixture for your fishbone cactus.

Should be fertilized once in the early spring with a liquid cactus/succulent fertilizer. As long as its potting medium contains organic matter the fishbone cactus will not require any additional fertilizing throughout the year.

6 inches tall, 3 feet long.

A location that receives several hours of bright, indirect light is perfect for the fishbone cactus.

The fishbone cactus appreciates regular watering. Water your cactus once the top 2-3 inches of soil have dried out. Their roots are sensitive to chemicals, so when possible, use distilled water.

Pet Friendly? Yes, they are non toxic.