One of the most popular plants purchases around Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. These holiday cacti bloom in the dark months of late fall to very early spring.



Holiday cacti like sun and shade, but be sure to not give your cactus too much of either. Exposing it to too much or to little will cause the plant to become discolored.



When it comes to soil, your holiday cactus isn’t very picky. They can thrive in loamy, sandy, perlite, cactus mix, or potting soil. Add peat moss to any of these mixtures to raise the acidity in the soil.



Though its a cactus, its tropical and requires more watering than its cousins in the dessert. Water thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain. Let soil dry in between watering’s. You will know if your plant is dry when the leaves start to shrivel .



Feed your holiday cactus monthly with half strength water soluble fertilizer in early spring and summer. Once buds have started forming-stop feeding. After the plant is done blooming you can resume your monthly routine.



Pileas are prolific growers. Some varieties produce off shoots which you can separate to create more plants. Growing 12″ tall and 8-12″wide.


Pet Friendly? Holiday cacti are considered non toxic.