There are 500+ different varieties of hoya plants. Hoyas have thick waxy leaves that come in all different shapes and sizes. Some hoya varieties are training, while others are more compact.



Hoyas thrive best in bright, indirect sunlight. Plants that receive less than half a day or sunlight may not produce flowers, but not to worry, their leaves are just as beautiful.



A well draining, light weight potting mix is preferred. Remember each hoya variety has slightly different soil requirements, that being said, whatever you choose, make sure it drains well, provides aeration and doesn’t retain to much water.



Hoyas indoors do not need much fertilizer. Use a liquid fertilizer at half dilution during the growing season. Excessive fertilization is not good. as it leads to the accumulation of salt resulting in burnt roots.



Hoyas should be checked and watered weekly, and left to completely dry out between watering’s. Reduce watering in the winter months as the plant isn’t actively growing. If you are lucky enough to have flowers on your hoya plant, be sure not to overwater as this will lead to the flowers dropping.



Depending on variety of hoya will depend on the size. Some hoyas only grow a few inches, while other varieties will vine and train several feet.


Pet Friendly? Yes, hoyas are non toxic.