Its popularity thrives because of its low maintenance vibe. Jade plants can survive in most indoor conditions, making this a great plant for beginners to the most experienced plant parents.



Jade plants need lots of sunlight. They require bright light, but should be protected from mid day direct sunlight. Six hours of bright, indirect light is suggested.



A succulent specific potting soil is best for your jade plant. The soil should drain well to prevent excessive moisture. Potting soil mix is ok too. Just be sure to add perlite to help with the drainage. A clay pot is recommended.



In the spring and summer months, jade plants should be watered often so their soil is moist but not wet. Reduce watering in the winter to monthly. Never let your jade plant sit in water.



Jade plants prefer a control released fertilizer at the beginning of the season or weekly diluted water soluble solution. On mature plants use a balanced 20-20-20 mixed at one quarter strength. On younger plants fertilize with less nitrogen.



Jade is slow growing, only putting on about 2″ per year. Its mature size can be between 3-6 feet tall and wide.


Pet Friendly? No, jade plants are toxic to dogs and cats.