Not only are they prolific fruit producers, but their showing white blossoms are incredibly fragrant and beautiful, with shiny, dark foliage that adds additional interest.



Provide your lime with -12 hours of sun daily. A south facing window works. Supplement the natural light with a grow light in winter if necessary.



Plant your lime tree in a porous terra cotta pot with several drainage holes. Start with a pot slightly bigger than the root ball. Use potting mix that is slightly acidic. Amend soil with peat moss if needed.



Water when the soil feels dry, but the root ball is still slightly moist. Water deeply. Place saucer with large pebbles under your lime tree and fill half way with water. This will create some humidity for your plant in the winter months indoors.



Your lime tree will need a well balanced fertilizer. If your tree in younger, mix at half strength. Fertilize once or twice in the growing season and not at all in the winter months.



Most lime trees indoors will only grow a max height of 8 feet.


Pet Friendly? Yes, the leaves are toxic to cats if ingested.