A popular houseplant, orchids are a somewhat easy beginner plant, as long as you understand the plants ideal conditions and maintenance requirements.



Orchids need bright light to produce blooms. Direct sun can burn them, so opt for bright, indirect light.



Orchids do not grow in regular potting soil or potting mix. They grow in orchid medium, whi ch should be light and fast draining. Common mixes include bark, sphagnum moss, perlite and peat.



To prevent root rot, orchids need to dry out in between waterings. Water when the medium feels dry to touch and the pot feels light. The roots also are a great way to tell if the plant needs water. If they are plum and white or green, that means they are well watered. If they are shriveled and gray, they need water. Spongey and black or brown is a sigh of root rot.



During the growing season, use an orchid specific fertilizer. Do not fertilize in the winter.



Depending on the variety, an orchid can have slow to moderate growth. Your orchid should bloom once a year, if not more depending on the variety. Flowers generally last 2-4 months on average.


Pet Friendly? Yes, orchids are safe for pets and people!