Peat Moss

Garden Clippings for Feb 27, 2021

How is Covid affecting the horticulture industry?  Not as badly as the lumber industry, but when spring 2021 arrives gardeners will be in for an awakening.

Like spring 2020, seeds will be in short supply.  Seed growers have ramped up production in anticipation of strong demand, but we are already hearing rumblings from the major seed suppliers that shipping will be delayed.

My advice is to buy early for best selection.  Be flexible.  If your favorite tomato seeds are not available, be prepared to plant another variety.  Last spring, peas, beans, peas, tomatos, squash, and spinach were the first to disappear from seed display racks.

A bigger issue will be the soil that seeds are planted in.  Peat moss, the main ingredient in soilless growing medium is in short supply.  Greenhouses that don’t already have their growing medium ordered, shipped, and on site are becoming fearful that they won’t be able to plant their flowers, hanging baskets or boxplants for spring sales.

According to the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association, Canada’s peatland is estimated at 113.6 million hectares.  Of this, less than 0.03 % is used for horticultural peat production.  The vast majority of Canadian peat moss is harvested and bagged in the eastern provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

The good news is that there is no shortage of peat moss.  The bad news is that it is still in the ground.  Fall 2020 was a wet season in Eastern Canada, and in order to harvest peat moss, it needs to be dry.

Other complications include the cost and trouble of shipping peat moss across the county, as well as the less-than-environmentally-friendly harvesting costs.

Most Canadian peat moss production goes south of the border, and producers need to fill orders destined for the big markets of New York, Chicago, California and all places in between.  Canada itself represents only a small piece of the pie.

The other difficulty is that, to date, there are no obvious alternatives for peat moss.  Soilless growing medium is the perfect soil for greenhouse production.  Horticulturists agree that its ability to retain moisture, yet not become waterlogged is essential for growth.  Peat moss is sterile, and can easily accommodate the addition of perlite, fertilizer and micronutrients.

Researchers have been busy looking for alternatives to peat moss but to date have come up empty handed.  Recycled newspaper, corn husks, grape seeds, rice hulls, compost and coconut fiber have all been considered with varying and limited degrees of success.

Harvesting peat moss also has its environmental costs.  While the Canadian Peat Moss association is quick to point out their sensitive and sustainable production practices, they rarely speak of the how peat moss harvesting releases carbon dioxide which in turn contributes to climate change.

In the short term, Canadian gardeners can expect to pay more for their potted plants and in the long term, we should expect to find less peat moss in their growing medium.