Commonly grown with three seedlings to the same pot, so they look like multi-trunk palms, with three arching stems ending in graceful, feathery fronds.



Phoenix palms thrive in full sun. Indoors, you may need to provide a growing lamp to ensure 12+ hours of sunlight a day.



A peat based mix that is well draining is perfect for the phoenix palm.



These palms prefer to be on the dryer side when it comes to watering. Allow soil to dry out in between watering’s.



Feed once to twice during the growing season and not at all during the winter months. Be aware of potential deficiencies in magnesium, potassium and manganese, which can cause leaf yellow and decline. Supplement with these nutrients every few months.



These palms prefer to be on the dryer side when it comes to watering. Allow soil to dry out in between watering’s.



Rarely reaching over 6 feet tall, these palms remain fairly small. Phoenix palms are slow growing. Their stems and leaf ribs are typically covered with long, very sharp and strong spines.


Pet Friendly? Yes, the thorns on the stems are extremely sharp and toxic.