Poinsettias like a well drained peat based potting soil. Typically there is no need to repot right after purchase.

Do not fertilize these plants during their blooming period. When keeping the plant throughout the year, you can begin fertilizing in the spring at half strength when there is no growth but not until then. Feed every 3-4 weeks until the plant is re-established.

Plant sizes range from a few inches to a couple feet tall and wide.

A location that receives several hours of bright, indirect light is perfect for the fishbone cactus.

Water your poinsettia whenever the soil surface feels dry to the touch. Saturate the soil completely until the water run through. Overwatering is the quickest way to kill a poinsettia. wilting leaves and rotted plant roots are usually signs of over watering.

Pet Friendly?
No, Mildly toxic to cat and dogs if ingested.