Ranked one of the very best house plants to clean the air. Whether its burgundy, green or a variegated variety, the rubber plant will produce a lot of oxygen, more than any other plant in fact! In addition to producing oxygen and eliminating air toxins, the rubber tree effectively removes mold spores and bacteria from the air (by up to 60%).



Rubber plants love lots of bright, indirect light. They can tolerate morning sunlight but do not want the harsh afternoon rays. Plants that don’t receive sufficient light will become leggy, lose their lower leaves and their leaf color will become dull instead of glossy and vibrant.



When it comes to soil, rubber plants aren’t picky. Any good, fast draining potting soil should work. Cactus mix is also a great option. Rubber plants prefer an acidic soil mixture.



They like to be kept steadily moist, but not soaked. Rubber plants do not tolerate drought well. Check the moisture levels in the first few inches of soil. If they are dry it is time to water your plant again.



Use liquid fertilizer throughout the growing season. They are heavy feeders usually.



Rubber plants can grow about 10′ tall indoors.


Pet Friendly? No, sap is toxic to pets and humans.