What’s wrong with my?

Garden Clippings for September 9, 2017

What’s wrong with my Flowering Crab tree?

Apple trees and Flowering Crab-apples have been dropping leaves all summer.  Some trees have by now almost completely defoliated.  The culprit is apple scab, a fungus that has done more harm this year than ever, mostly because of the frequent rains we received earlier this spring.

Don’t be alarmed with the proliferation of apple scab.  Apples are as tough as nails and will flower as beautiful as ever next spring.  To reduce the severity of apple scab, prune the tree to allow more air circulation.  Spray early in spring before leaves open with environmentally safe dormant spray.  And because apple scab spends its winter in soil, rake up leaves as they fall.

What’s wrong with my Hydrangea?

Hydrangeas in all sizes and varieties are the showpiece in the summer and fall garden.  Their globe shaped blooms, mostly in white and shades of pink have been blooming all summer.  But sometimes, for no apparent reason, Hydrangeas won’t flower.  That holds true especially for the new, macrophilia varieties that often bloom in pink, red and blue.

When pruning Hydrangeas, do so in spring, by removing the oldest stems, leaving the young stems for summer’s growth.  If winter is severe, or if a late frost harms early spring growth, Hydrangeas may freeze to the ground, preventing flower buds from forming.  Consider providing winter protection for Hydrangeas.  If your Hydrangea stubbornly refuses to bloom for 2 consecutive summers, I recommend digging it up and replanting it, adding a generous portion of bone meal to the planting mix.

What’s wrong with my Pansies?

Pansies put on a flurry of colourful flower early in spring, and remain showy as long as weather remains cool.  But as soon as July’s heat arrives, we expect pansies to deteriorate.  This year we’ve enjoyed cooler weather than normal, without extended serious heat, and my pansies have managed to remain reasonably healthy all summer.  Normally I remove our pansies in June and replace them with annual Verbenas, but this year I didn’t bother.  Smart move.

What’s wrong with my Colorado Blue Spruce?

Colorado Blue Spruce is often referred to the King of the garden.  Their majestic shape and stately form is distinctive and hard to beat.  Colorado Spruce is dependable and hardy making it the evergreen of choice for the front lawn.  It is also the windbreak of choice for the department of highways.

When Colorado Spruce becomes very mature, it sometimes, perhaps rarely, succumbs to Spruce Canker, a disease that may cause lower limbs to die off.  And because the tree is in a weakened condition, it may also become vulnerable to spider mite, a tiny insect that sucks moisture from the needles.   Avoid planting Colorado Blue spruce in shade or partial shade, as they grow their finest in full sun.  Give plenty room to grow.  If Colorado spruce is planted in sandy or well-drained soil, add water during hot summer dry spells.